What if travelers could have digital travel journals to share their stories and photos?

Back on 2010, before widespread use of Instagram, there was a need for people to share their photos and experiences more vividly. I took the challenge as my thesis project and developed an application before the boom of the apps. I developed a platform that compiled content to generate a visual experience that allowed trip experiences to be shared in its various dimensions: images, stories, and routes. The project was pioneering as it gave new interpretations to emerging technologies as well as in predicting a paradigm shift where the generation of open content is based on crowdsourcing.

Best Thesis Award by Universidad Católica School of Design

Design Degree Thesis Project

CampoTraviesa App

CampoTraviesa App

CampoTraviesa Web

CampoTraviesa Web

CampoTraviesa Branding

CampoTraviesa Branding